Whatever was wrong with Canoemail and Brisbane seems to have resolved itself and my regular email account is up and running.
Called my parents on the weekend (Sunday morning here, Saturday night in Toronto). They just got back from four weeks in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and leave for Florida in two weeks. Rough life.
I called them at my sister Kathy's house, where our two dogs Marco and Maggie have been staying while my parents were away. So, my niece Lauren got on the phone to say that she now loves Maggie better because "Marco is stinky". Hey kid, if you didn't brush your teeth for 11 years you'd probably smell pretty bad too.

We had a BBQ yesterday. And, in addition to homemade vegetable patties (which are really good and blow Lick's veggie burgers out of the water), there was meat. Now, that's not to imply that I haven't eaten meat since I got here. Far from it - whenever I go into Brisbane I usually grab lunch or dinner there and it definitely involves meat and other stuff that we don't have at home or in the kitchen. I actually don't miss meat as much as I miss all the other familiar things that go along with meat, like bread and ketchup and all those things that aren't vegetables or soy-based.

The kids had a lot of fun playing with the water fountain, but since Brisbane is in the middle of the worst drought in 100 years we couldn't let them play for too long.
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