look into my eyes

My favourite part of the day was the sheep dog demonstration. I've watched the sheepdog trials on television before and find them fascinating. The dogs are exceedingly well-trained and follow commands with nary a biscuit in sight. I love it when everything pauses and the dogs stare intently at the sheep as if transmitting mind control beams with their eyes. It's like this bizarre interspecies staring contest that the sheep always lose.

I'm sure that most of you are familar with the expression about people behaving like sheep when they act like everyone else and don't seem to think for themselves. Well, sheep really are followers. They like routine. I saw sheep being milked at a dairy on Kangaroo Island and the woman there said that the sheep arrange themselves so they go into the milking area every day in the same order in groups of 20. I watched as each went straight to its preferred, regular milking stall with no prompting whatsoever. She said they get upset when their routine is disturbed.

Sheep don't even seem mind too much when the dogs walk on top of

It sucks being a sheep. But maybe it's not too bad if you are too stupid to notice.
Hi Jenn,
Good Pig, Good Pig... You've seen BABE haven't you?
I'm totally green regarding even the mention of scuba diving!
Regarding the photos, ask someone to take a picture of you!!!! or are you just not posting photogs of yourself?
Miss you, K
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