I could crash at any time.

On the bus ride to Hastings, we passed through a district with very interesting road signs. I don't know if perhaps they have a lot of bad drivers but they had these large black and white signs saying things like "I could crash at any time" and "I am just an average driver" and "Lose your overconfidence and save your life". I think my favourite, after the I-could-crash-at-any-time was the one of a car being driven by a stick figure with a very large head that read "Caution, overconfident drivers ahead".

In the same district there was also a town called Tirau that was rather enamoured with corrugated iron. The building the bus stopped at was a large dog. Sorry, I couldn't get my camera out in time, so I downloaded an image from the internet. The dog has the visitor information centre in it and it is next door to a gift shop in the shape of a sheep.

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