
The last couple of days have been rainy, so I haven't had a chance to get any photos of the restaurant. Which may be a blessing for my poor parents who only have dial up access. Between the lodge and the restaurant I've been quite busy and a bit tired. I've been waiting for a parcel of photos of my dogs and niece and nephew to arrive from Auckland. Unfortunately, a car went off the road and completely demolished all the mailboxes - don't know if maybe I should be searching the wreckage just in case.
My mom tells me that my grandma is settling in nicely to the nursing home and with regular food and exercise she is improving. Annie, a lady my grandma knows from where she used to live on Antiquary Beach, just moved in and they have been playing cards. Apparently, my grandma has been playing cribbage with my mom and she tells the staff that my mom's 'not too smart' because she keeps beating her. Actually, my mom is a pretty good card player as is my grandma. When I was little we used to play Euchre and 31. For money.
I thought that was you, flying through the air:) I hope you are still enjoying kitchen duty. That has never been one of my joys.
We are going up to see Grandma today.
Auntie N.
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