true love waits
My grandma died today, about 10 weeks after her husband George. It wasn't unexpected - she hadn't been doing well physically or cognitively even before he got sick. She had done okay in the nursing home at first. The family had been doing lots of visiting and she's been worsening slowly. She got admitted to the hospital yesterday. My brother-in-law Andrew, (who has been amazing throughout this and all the various Stannard family dramas over the years) and George's son, David, were with her at the hospital when she died and said it was very peaceful.
Grandma was very sad when George died. My nephew Justin goes to Catholic school so he's had the concept of heaven explained to him. My sister has been answering his questions as best she can. When George died and Kathy was explaining that Grandma was sad because she missed him so much, he said that Great Grandpa George would have to wait for Great Grandma to join him in heaven before they could talk to each other again. Yesterday, when my sister explained that Great Grandma got sick and went into the hospital and may die, Justin said that if she does then they will be happy to be together again. He also wanted to know if they have hot tubs in heaven (not sure what Kathy said about that).
I'm so sorry, Jenn. Lots of hugs from the three of us.
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