Sunday, March 25, 2007

genuine possum fur nipple warmers

In Queenstown and the night is warm so I've been wandering around the streets for an hour or so after dark looking in the souvenir shops . I don't really buy anything souvenir-like for myself anymore - too many years of attending garage sales has taught me that, if I can picture it in a box marked 50 cents, then it's not a good idea.

I haven't seen anything that I want - not even any tshirts. I probably should try to come home with something for myself, but mostly I find that there's not much that I can't buy in Canada instead of New Zealand. The 'uniquely' New Zealand things are either really expensive (I am not going to spend $60+ for a possum-merino wool blend scarf no matter how soft it is), versions of the same souvenirs that you get world-wide (chocolate covered peanuts, labelled as possum and kiwi-bird droppings, instead of moose and beaver poo and kiwifruit cookies/chocolates/tea, instead of maple flavoured, plus assorted pens, magnets, keychains etc.), or what you could get in Canada but cheaper when you take into account you have to lug it home (here I include wine and wonderfully soft stuffed animals in the shape of sheep).

There's also t-shirts - none that I've seen that make me want to take out the wallet. There's a ton of tasteful clothes that I like, that just happen to have "New Zealand" or "Queenstown" printed on them, but I'd actually be more interested if the logo and the corresponding price premium wasn't there.

I'm debating about bringing gifts home for people in Canada, for the same reasons I haven't wanted to buy anything for myself. So, if any of you have your heart set on something made from kiwi, or sheep (and that includes wool, lanolin or placenta) or with the All Blacks logo (national rugby team) on it, please let me know.

And, if I don't bring you anything, it's not because I don't love you, it's because I do and I don't think you really want a sheep-shaped Kleenex box cover, a black velvet wall hanging, or genuine possom-fur, paste-on nipple-warmers (and no, I'm not getting them for your wife/girlfriend so save your emails guys).


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